Self-Care Starts With Yoga!

Who Are We?

Welcome to FisicaCulturaYoga, your path to harmony, physical strength and spiritual balance! We offer unique yoga courses that combine elements of physical fitness and ancient yogic practices to help you achieve optimal health and inner peace.

At FisicaCulturaYoga we are convinced that yoga is not only a body workout, but also a deep method of self-knowledge and finding inner harmony. Our highly qualified and dedicated instructors create an inspiring and supportive environment where each participant can discover their potential and find their path to harmony.

Our mission is to create a community where everyone feels part of something great and meaningful. At FisicaCulturaYoga we strive to help you achieve inner peace and harmony through the practice of yoga, creating space for your personal and spiritual growth.


Yoga Nidra

A deeply relaxing practice aimed at completely relaxing the body and mind through guided meditation to achieve balance.

Tantra Yoga

A practice that combines physical asanas, breathing techniques and meditation to harmonize energy flows in the body.

Jnana Yoga

A path through wisdom, including philosophical reflection and meditation to achieve inner understanding.

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Yoga For Everyone: From Beginners To Masters!

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Contact Info


67 Rheanbreck, Lairg IV27 4DQ, United Kingdom

Work Time

Mon - Sun: 00:00 - 24:00